Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Embeded Mirena IUD

I have some not so good news and good news. I went to see a doctor here in DC for the ever increasing pelvic pain that has nagged me for a year and a half. I decided to go to a doctor here because on top of my pelvic pain, we were having a hard time conceiving and I was having rectal pain that was getting more and more intense. When I got to the Dr I explained my whole last year with these issues. When she heard me mention that I had an IUD she asked where it was and I said the Dr did an ultrasound and said it "fell out" She, the Dr, then asked if he did an xray and I said, "No." but that I had asked for one. Her response was that you can't know for sure unless you do an X Ray. So, I did. Lo and behold. There is was. However, because of how it was laying they couldn't figure out exactly where it was but that it was just to the left of the mid line.

So, it was still near or in the uterine wall. After an all day search by gynecologist, sonographer and a Radiologist we finally found the exact location! It is embedded in the very outside wall of my uterus right up next to my rectum. It is so close to the outside it took them a while to figure out if it was outside the wall or still inside it. Apparently the cross part of the IUD is actually perforating the uterine wall and poking at my rectum. Yikes. They could see blood about the size of a quarter collecting in the "cul-de-sac" between my rectum and uterus. They are unsure of how much blood and adhesions are actually in there since it appears it was initially placed in my wall instead of my uterine cavity. It is crazy to think that all this time that is what has been wrong. But, because it has been in there almost 2 yrs they have no idea what to expect.

Since it is in the uterine wall they may have to cut me open instead of doing the surgey laparoscopically. My doctor is concerned that there will be lots of blood, adhesions and damage done to the uterus and my rectum. So,she asked the Gynecology Oncologist Surgeons to do the surgery because if there needs to be any rectal repair they will have license to do it all at once and will save me another surgery. The possibility of loosing the ability to have more children biologically with my body is very real. We are, of course, hoping for the absolute best outcome as we understand these scary things are what the doctors have to tell you to prepare you for the worse.

I guess the good part is I know now what is wrong and that I am not crazy. I have not been myself in 2 yrs. I have been tired, in pain, depressed, frustrated and I thought it was just me and that this was my new quality of life. But, apparently not only do I have the embedded IUD but I also have all the other negative side effects. Not to mention that for a year of this I had 2 contraceptives in me. My nuva-ring and the IUD. That is enough to make anyone crazy!! heehee. The doctor actually said to me, "How you are sitting in here pleasant and with a smile is beyond my comprehension. I know many other women who would be crawlin the wall by now!" That did make me feel good.

Thursday I go to meet with the surgeons. Hopefully we can get this surgery over and done with soon! Although we know this could be bad we are prepared for the worse and hoping for the best. I am just glad I serve the Comforter because He has already assured me that in the end it will all be OK!


The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

We are praying for you, Dallas, and Presley! We love y'all!

Chelsea said...

Cindy, I am so sorry this has happened to you!! You are such a strong woman...mentally, physically, emotionaly, spiritually! I look up to you so much and I am just crushed that you have to go through this. I am praying for the best possible outcome for sure.
Now you can say..."it's ok, I can go a little crazy...I deserve it" haha, I would.
ps...loved the birthday video of Presley! So cute.

Love you, keep us updated!!

skirbster said...

I've always known you to have a high pain tolerance since my freshman year when we sat in the ER all night for your cracked vertebrae... I'm definitely praying for you and the fam!

Crystal said...

Cindy, I am praying for you!!