Thursday, August 13, 2009

Old Friends Visit...

I lived in the Azores, 9 little islands off the coast of Portugal, for 4 years of my childhood. During that time I had a best friend named, Brandi. We met at 9years old in Mr. Isham's 3/4th grade split class. She asked me if I wanted to play at recess and the rest is history. We have kept up over the years and she has become one of the few people I call/text/email when I am needing advice, a shoulder to lean on, someone to lift my spirits, someone to tell my silly stories to, and most importantly someone to share my spiritual journeys with. She is more than a best friend..she is family.

She and her family came to Gainesville last week to spend a few days in the heat of Florida before they all go back to school. We had such a wonderful time. Presley was instantly in love with little Riley(6), Ryann(5) and Trevor(4). If we would have done nothing but play in our house all day it would have suited Presley just fine. She was just glad to have big kids to play with her and her toys!

I didn't think just hanging out at the house would be 'cool' with the older kids. So we went to the Florida Natural History Museum, to the Swamp-Florida's Football stadium (Presley 'Called the Hogs' while there!!), and to the Ichetucknee Springs. The Ichetucknee was so fun. When we got up that morning it was a nice Florida day. Which, in the summer usually turns in to a nice, rainy Florida afternoon! so, I was hoping we would make it down the river in time before the rain came. NOPE. As soon as the boys dropped Brandi and I with the kids at the head of the river it down poored. We were freezing! I still can't believe we went ahead and put the kids in the water, but we did. Presley wasn't sure about it at first but as soon as I started showing her all the birds and the wildlife she was happy. I just wish I would have had my camera because Shep ended up with 4 tubes tied to him and Dallas pulled Brandi, Presley, Ryann and I in one big tube while Riley and Trevor hung on to our tube while staying in their small tubes! Gosh, I wish I had a picture. Oh well!! What else did we do? Oh, we also spent a lot of time at home and just hanging out at the pool.

It was such a comfortable weekend. We didn't even go out to eat once. We just spent the whole time talking and watching the kids play. Once my friend Missy asked me, "What did we do for entertainment before we had kids?" I honestly don't know! It was so wonderful to just hang out and listen to their laughter and even their bickering. I loved it!!

We want them to come back!
here are some pictures of their trip. I am still upset that I forgot our camera at the ichetucknee. I have some after the tubing trip. heehee.

hanging out with the Shepherds at the house

Florida Natural History museum

florida swamp with shepherds

after ichetucknee with shepherds


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic visit. As Mia would say, "It makes my heart happy", to see pictures of The Swamp. I also have to say I'd love a float down the cold Itchetucknee right about now...our church group in college did that annually the Saturday before classes started to kick off the year. There is nothing like old friends. -Sandra and Co.

thecreasycrew said...

looks like you guys had fun! Nothing like hanging out with old friends!