Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another awesome week

Presley and I continued our adventures last week with a trip to Jonesboro, Arkansas to see Dallas' family. His mom had the week off so they flew us up there so that everyone could spend some time with Presley and me too! We had a great time! Presley absolutely loves her Mumsie and grandad. Every morning we would walk up the stairs to see mumsie and Presley would get a huge grin when Mumsie would say, "Good morning Presley!" Grandad was the one who was most successful at getting Presley to cackle. Her uncle Keith had the most luck at getting her to sleep and Presley was most calm around Lisa, probably because Lisa is carrying her cousin and Presley didn't want to disturb the little one!

Most of the week we spent going around town introducing friends of the family to Presley! We got to see a lot of Presley's cousins and even some friends from Grandad's church. Mumsie even took us to some of her favorite shopping stores where she finds insane bargains. We actually found a few treasures to bring back with us.

We got to spend a lot of time with Keith and Lisa (Dallas' sister and her husband). Keith and Presley played the piano together! I promised Presley I would show you all how talented she is. Can you believe she could play Fur Elise the first time she sat down at a piano? I guess she got those skills from Kaci. I would say Keith too but she has no DNA relations to him!! But, he definitely has this little girls heart. Check out Mr. Sandman's skills. He is going to be a GREAT Daddy!

Lisa and Presley had a lot of special girl time. Every time I caught the two of them it was like they were having secret "aunt/niece talks" already!! Oh how hard it will be for me to respect the confidentiality of those conversations! Presley loves her Aunt Lisa!

Presley had a lot of fun walking around the property at Mumsie and Grandad's! Everyday they would take her out and let her look at the trees and feel the Autumn breeze on her little face. One day she picked up a limb. When Grandad was telling me about this limb I was picturing more of a twig, check out the tree my daughter picked up!!

Presley got to spend a lot of quality time with Uncle James (Dallas' Great Uncle). Uncle James loves babies. He loves to bounce babies. Recently James had a stroke and has been pretty well confined to his house, so getting to spend some time with Presley was a welcomed treat.

The Thursday before we left we all went to the county fair. I was really excited about going. I hadn't been to a fair since...well....before Dallas and I got married 5 years ago. It was lots of fun. Mumsie, Grandad and Presley hung out while Keith, Lisa and I rode rides. Ok, I know you are all saying, "wait didn't we just see a pregnant Lisa in this blog" No, Lisa did not ride the rides. She just stood in line with us. The rides were great although I am sure I left Keith blind in the left eye from my hair whipping into it and his hips black and blue from practically getting slung into him from the g force spins!! Before we headed home I wanted to take Presley to the petting zoo. She loved it! She especially liked the slobber and slime coming out of the animals noses and mouths. Oh to be a kid again!!

All in all it was a wonderful trip. We are however glad to be home with Daddy again. I will say, though, that Presley has taken 2 1/2 hr naps everyday since we have been home. The trip wore her out! We did get some funny videos during the week, but I couldn't blog them all. So, here are two for your enjoyment. The first is Keith mi miking Presley's noises. However, when she hears her squeals back she doesn't like them so much

This one is us playing with Presley at dinner time. She is into "talking" now and it is so funny. I apologize that this video is so shaky. I had been laughing for about 30min and was still laughing when I was trying to record this. This video is proof of the joy of children

Presley will be 5 months tomorrow. Watch for a blog!


Sarah said...

What a chatter box! Her hair looks like it's calming down too! Or maybe it's just long enough for you to pull back now!

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

It was soo great getting to spend a whole week with you two! Presley is adorable and I really enjoyed the time with her. But, I also greatly enjoyed all the time with you. It's always good to talk with you. And, thanks for being so into baby and pregnancy stuff. It was really fun for me, and helpful too. Tell Dallas we said "Thank You!" for sharing ya'll with us. We love you three! See you at Thanksgiving!

life in a positive direction said...

Wow-that is tooo cute. I love the video of her chating up a storm. It totally had me laughing out loud!!! Love ya!!!

thecreasycrew said...

Somehow I missed this post until today! IT was so good to see you guys! I wish we could have hung out more but maybe next time! She is adorable!