Saturday, December 15, 2007

New baby pics...

Here are the latest baby pictures! The appt went really well. The Italian experience is the way to go!!!! The Dr. was so incredibly nice and caring. They wanted soooo badly to tell us what we are having. He asked over and over if we were sure we didn't want to know!! It was cute. At one point he looked at Dallas and said, "Papa sara contento!!" Translated "Daddy will be very happy!" So, we aren't sure what that means. In this culture it is great for a dad to have a girl, but in other cultures it is good to have a boy. So, we are still in the dark!! =)The scans I am putting on here are the two clearest. The bottom one looks as if the baby is looking at us from the right eye. You can see the arm, ribs and belly!!! The top one looks as if the baby is sleeping with thumb in its mouth. The Dr. kept saying the baby has my profile and looks like me! Which I find interesting because I think the second scan looks like Dusty and Brent when they were babys!!!

The Dr. said everything is PERFECT!! He couldn't get over how active Baby Gipson is. A couple times he said "Stop moving!!" to the screen because he was having a very hard time getting pictures!! He said, "If I can't get this picture it is because of the baby!!!" haha!! He measured the baby right on course for where I am in the pregnancy. He said the due date is April 26th which is only a day off what the original one was!! The baby weighs 355grams, 0.75 lbs and is 11" long! Yah, we know! We don't know why the baby is so long!! But, he did say that the baby may slow in growth! Who knows, the baby could hit the jackpot on genes and be tall!!! All in all, baby is very healthy. 10 fingers, 10 toes!! That is all that matters!!


Anonymous said...

AAWW!! Thanks for the pictures! They're really neat.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I am amazed! What a blessing! I am very happy for you guys and can't wait to see more pictures!!!

Sarah said...

That is so amazing! Don't these pictures make it seem very very real! What a miracle!