Monday, December 3, 2007

This is the military...

So, as many of you know I would love to be writing to tell you if Dallas got into the US Navy Dive program or where we will be moving to in 3 months. Sorry, I can't. Oh, how life in the military works!!

Dallas was suppose to hear news, good or bad, on the Dive program by the end of November. That time frame has come and gone. He spoke with his detailer (person who assigns him his next duty station) and was told he needed to get applied to colleges this week. Sounds promising for the dive program without actually telling Dallas if he was in, but there was only one hang up. Dallas needs his GRE, so we thought, before he could apply. By the way the University of Florida is where he is hoping ot attend Grad school. Anyways, so, the only place that has a test scheduled between now and the end of January is Barcelona, Spain. The test is the 13th of Dec. Dallas and I got plane tickets to head out there next week and paid for the test and all was falling into place. Then Dallas found out that his FE, the big engineering test he took after his undergrad, would be sufficient for a non-thesis degree! Oh well! He is going to take the test anyways.

All seemed to be going smoothly and then Dallas was told by his detailer they may not know officially about the dive program for another couple of weeks or mid December. At which point the detailer will be on vacation until the 20th and the whole detail shop out for Christmas, which means we probably won't be discussing change of station until January. Meaning, in military terms, that Dallas wouldn't get official orders until the end of January at the earliest. What that says to people familiar with the way moves work with the military is that we can't pack out our house until we get those orders. Keep in mind with the base closing Dallas has to be gone on the 28th of Feb.

So, I wish I had some really great news and infomation about where we will be come March, but I can't. I do, however, truely believe it will all work out and we will end up going where we are meant to. However, with a little one on the way it does add a little worry to the situation. We would kinda like to atleast know where this baby is going to be born. Where most couples are worrying about safe proofing their homes, setting up nurserys, buying strollers, car seats, etc.. we would be happy just to have a house before our little surprise arrives!!

So, please keep us in your prayers through all this. Especially, my husband. Dallas is not only dealing with all of this, but also work. And, let me tell you, closing a base down sounds a lot easier than it is. There is constent headache and redtape. Dallas works such long hours and is doing so much that sometimes it truely amazes me that he comes home in a good mood. He really is a great man!!

We love you all and hope that at this moment this finds your lives wonderful and full of blessings!! Even with all this we sure are blessed!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks for the updates! I had been wondering what was going on - I guess we'll just keep praying and hoping for FL! Miss you!