Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary and 4 months...

Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad and to Dallas' parents. Mae and Pop (Patsy and Donnie) had their anniversary yesterday. Dallas' mom and dad ( Mary and Gary) are having theirs today. Yes, our parents are both still together. It is amazing and such an incredible example to us. We appreciate both sets of parents more than they will ever know. I am so greatful that my parents have stayed together and more importantly that over the years they have transitioned from my parents to my friends. That says a great deal about their character. I am greatful to God for Dallas' parents because, well, they gave me Dallas!! Happy Anniversary to both of you.

I can't believe a year ago this weekend we found out we were pregnant with Presley. Isn't that wild? I took my first test on Aug. 21st. We called my parents and told them unofficially that we were pregnant as an anniversary present and were able to call Dallas' parents the following night wtih official news that we were expecting!! Isn't that cool!! We thought it would be a fitting anniversary present since Presley is a part of the legacy of both of those marriages!!

Presley is 4 months old today. Can you believe it? I can't. This week I remember telling myself that she is no longer "new"! She is starting to get this world down. Or, maybe it is because she fell off the couch! OUCH! Yeah, I know. Cindy is a bad mom. It really does happen in a split second. Yikes. Once I realized that she was ok I then realized that she isn't so brand new anymore.

What she is doing at 4 months:

She rolls from her back to her front
She talks up a storm(Baby language of course)
She has a good routine down
She sleeps 10hrs a night
She plays with her toes
She knows who mommy and daddy are(that is my favorite thing)
She is growing out of her newborn clothes =(
She is now 12lbs 7oz
She is 4 months bigger than I ever imagined she would be.....I can't even begin to imagine her first day of kindergarten, first crush, prom night, wedding day and the day she becomes a mommy herself. Life is truely AMAZING!

And Mommy and Daddy don't want to remember life without you!!


The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

AAWW!! How precious and sweet and heart-warming and heart-breaking in one! Thanks for this post. I really enjoyed it.

Sarah said...

Yikes! Falling off the couch - I bet your heart stopped for a second! Aren't they resilient?

Yay for sleeping 10 hours at night!

Sarah said...

Yikes! Falling off the couch - I bet your heart stopped for a second! Aren't they resilient?

Yay for sleeping 10 hours at night!

life in a positive direction said...

I love your blogs!!! Happy anniversary and 4 month birthday to Presley!!! I'll bet you understand now why parents always talked about blood pressure. My goodness, presley is breaking you in early for the soon to be cheerleading days!!! I love you!