Saturday, August 9, 2008

We play..

Presley had a very busy week. Everyday we were playing with friends, swimming, running errands, etc. Presley loves to get out and go. I know she needs a schedule and we are working on that, but for now she really seems to thrive in the hustle and bustle of life!!

Every Tuesday since she was born her and I go to a "New Moms' Luncheon" at the hospital I gave birth in. The point of the luncheon is to give new moms a place to go, hang out and discuss issues they are having with being a new mommy. From these luncheons we have met some great people. Two weeks ago we had our first play date with some of the little ones her age here at the house!! She already loves her new friends and mommy really appreciates the other ladies!

She is really starting to come into her own. She laughs all the time. I swear she is already pitching a fit when she is bored. She will crawl/walk early due to the fact she is frustrated when we don't know what it is she wants to do/see!!! She cracks us up! We had her in a dress that my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Jack gave her as a gift and took some pictures of her on our granite table top. She was so into the granite because of the different colors we could hardly get her to look up. But, alas, we got a few.


life in a positive direction said...

Her personality is already sounding just like yours!!! The dress is so adorable, and so is she!!! And I am glad that you two are loving the play dates. Sounds like a win-win!!! AWESOME!!!

Crystal said...

Hey girl!! She is so cute! She looks long in that top picture! Keep having fun and posting pictures.

Unknown said...

Your hospital wins tons of cool points for the mommies group!! i'm so glad you are around so many new moms. i love presley's dress!!! she is so precious