Sunday, December 7, 2008

Deck The Halls and Visitors!!

(one of Presley's little Christmas dresses)
Well, after being away for Thanksgiving and knowing we would only be in Gainesville for 2 weeks before leaving to DC for Christmass I was not so sure I was going to decorate the house for the season. However, when I got home I realized that every year I had an excuse not to put up and tree and this year there wasn't going to be another one. My friend, Sarah, mentioned that she had always dreamed of putting up a christmas tree with her child and I too had the same dream growing up. Well, I have the child all that was missing was the tree. So, we got very simple decorations, a little tree and our family and decorated our house!

Presley's Mumsie (Dallas' Mom) gave her some super cute Christmas pjs while we were home visiting. She looks so cute in them! I just had to share some of the pictures. There is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby, especially mine!! heehee! I was so surprised the flash didn't wake her. I love the jammies in the second picture! They have "Baby's First Christmas" on the butt! Too cute! Oh and look where I found my mischevious "Little P" this morning!!!

Over the weekend we had some visitors come in from Gulfport, MS to meet Presley! The Stringham family are friends of ours we met in La Maddalena, Italy. Acutally they were our sponsors. For non-military, that is kinda your go to person for questions when moving and settling into your new base/area at your new duty station! They have three kids, Ethan, Jake and Bekah Jo. Man have they changed. Both boys are in elementary school and Bekah Jo is now 3, in ballet and bossing everyone around! Just what a little girl should do! We took them on a walk around Lake Alice to explore all the birds, squirrels, plant life and alligators. Although no alligators were spotted, it was still a good time! The kids seemed to enjoy it. It was so good to see them again! I love how the Military can be so much like a family!


Sarah said...

Aw yay!!! Hooray for the tree! And P is just beautiful in her dress... and so sweet sleeping!

Crystal said...

I am so glad that you decided to decorate!! She looks adorable!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the Christmas PJ's. Too cute. We are putting up our Christmas tree tonight and Mia is super excited about participating. I also can't believe how big the Stringham kids have gotten! Little Bekah Jo, wow. Looks like you showed them some of the best parts of our beloved G'ville. Miss you guys, Sandra, Aaron, Mia and Baby to be...

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

YEA for an actual tree this year! I'm so happy for ya'll to finally have that option. The tree and all your decorating look great! And of course Lil' P is adorable in her PJ's and dress! I'm also glad ya'll got to catch up with some more friends.