Tuesday, March 24, 2009

11 months old

Presley is now 11 months old. I know I say this every month, but where has the time gone? I really can't believe that a year ago we had just moved to Gainesville and were looking for a house to live and I was ready to POP! Wow! Presley has been the greatest joy for Dallas and I. She is super sweet. Always up for something new and seriously serious when she needs to be. This past month was a tough one while we battled ear infections, but ended well. Actually, we were one week free of ear infections and today she fell and hit her eye on our window seal giving her a small cut and a bruise to go with it. Poor Baby! I suppose she inherited her mommy's clumsy gene! Next month Presley will be 1 and has already given us a lifetime of memories. We have lots of things planned over the next month and a half, but I will try to keep up with the blog.

What Presley can do at 11 months
attempting running
climbs our playground next to our house
can say, momma, dadda, ball and hi
if asked to go and get something she will and bring it to you
will let you stack her cups but is DEATHLY afraid of knocking them down(seriously I will have to get it on video!)
Just cut her top two teeth
throws tantrums (augh)
likes ANYTHING that has to do with water...ANYTHING...even washing her hands
loves to put anything and everything in containers. Like balls in cups, blocks in tupperware and so on!
Loves pulling her little frog on a string
Does hand motions to twinkle, twinkle
Follows complex instructions.
Babbles along when I rock and sing her to sleep at night
Colored for the first time when we went to St. Augustine for Dallas' spring break


Sarah said...

Hahaha - Banks throws a tantrum like a champ too, and loves to wash his hands! Sweet girl! I know you are proud!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she can climb the playground next to your house. That structure is big! Fearless. Can't wait to see her. I love the Saint Augustine pictures.

Chelsea said...

Cindy, I didn't realize you had a blog. I wish I had known sooner, Presley is a doll. It sounds like she is ahead of the game, doing so much before her first birthday. What a blessing she is to our family. Can't wait to meet her face to face. Let us know when you are coming to Arkansas next!