Monday, March 30, 2009

My rock

Before I even start this I know this may embarrass my husband because he is super humble, but I just had to share. Besides, his dad told us a long time ago that edifying your spouse in public is a good thing!! Actually its the B.E.S.T thing. Right Gary?
So, without getting into a long, drawn out blog I will tell you that some old ghosts in my past have come up and brought up concers I have about some very important things in my life. These things seem to consum me all the time and when I am unsure of this area of my life it throws me off in a way that I can't explain. I was feeling silly about it all, but couldn't ignore the fact that it was bothering me.(its spiritual stuff. so noone goes running with what you think it could be) So, I thought, I will talk to Dallas about it. However, I was nervous because I didn't want him to brush it off like it wasn't a big deal because to me it was. Plus, it is totally my "thing" to talk about deep stuff and not really his. Well, I had to talk to someone so I sat him down and explained what I was worried about. I then apologized for it being such a big deal to me but that I needed his guidance, cover, support, understanding...whatever. All of a sudden he began to talk about what I should do and how he will cover me and our family in a way I have NEVER heard Dallas talk. I have to tell you I cried later that night over what a blessing I have in him. Dallas, as many of you know, is a very quiet, slow to excite kinda guy. My complete opposite in so many ways. Often times this is what frustrates me about him. Well, God taught me a lesson. Dallas isn't flighty for a reason. I NEED someone who is a rock. Who knows who he is, what he believes and WHY! He NEVER lets other people, what they think, how they believe or how they feel effect him or change him. I can't tell you as a wife how comforting these characters of his have been to me over the past week. I have to admit to you that I have often said to God in frustration during prayer, "Dallas is not a leader for me!" Man, did He blow that one up in my face. God showed me that He is EXACTLY that and that Dallas' specific leadership skills were developed JUST for me! God knew that I was like shifting sand and that I would need a rock in a husband to keep me grounded! Sound like another relationship we all should seek after? Yep, our relationship with Christ. WOW! What I have learned from this (or I should say from Dallas) is that we are Dallas and Cindy. We don't have to know everything, we don't have to believe and agree with everyone, we aren't always the pictures that movies paint of the perfect couple, we aren't the "it" couple on a magazine....but WE ARE Dallas and Cindy. Not one without the other. Love like this...well....can't EVER be reflected on screen. Mainly because it is much more that sexual passion, batted eyes over candle lit dinner, walks on the beach under the moon and stars....its respect, honor, admiration, trust, humility, patient, kind, appreciative...its unconditional.

Thanks for listening to my bragging on Dallas. After all this blog IS about my family and not just Presley. Although, she is pretty much all we talk about! HOwever, the way he has made me feel in the last week is worth sharing. He probably doesn't think so but I do. Plus, I think it fitting to share why I LOVE MY HUSBAND and CHOOSE to continue to love him everyday seeing as our 6th Anniversary is this Sunday. Now,lets just pray for Cindy to remember these feelings when I feel the need to get on to him for not picking up his dirty socks...oh how human we are!

Ok, I finished this blog and realized how busy we are this week and that I may not get to post on our actual anniversary, April 5th. So, I wanted to put a slideshow up, surprising, I know! Anyways, when you hear the song I chose you are going to think to yourself "Why did she choose this song?" Especially if you know the story behind it. Well, I chose it because I feel "Held" by God when I think of His provisions for my family, for my husband and myself. Dallas and I have survived 4 moves, 2 deployments-both to the desert (thank you God for bringing him home), loosing friends, financial upsets, being seperated from family and friends, church hopping(heehee), a sister's heartache, new neices and nephews, pets and our first year of parenting. Through all of it we have been reminded that God's promise to His children is NOT that we will be saved from the strife of life, but instead that He will carry us, comfort us and hold us as we struggle in and even celebrate in life. Enjoy the pictures I put together of our last 6 years. There are pictures of us from when we met, to our wedding, to our time on the Gulfcoast,to out time in California, to Italy and all our travels while we were ther, to now with our new baby Presley. I even threw some pictures of the flowers he has given me over the years.


stefani nelson said...

God is great! I'm so glad to see you give glory to God by seeing what he has given to you in Dallas. How beautiful to hear you publicly exclaim your love and appreciation for their your husband!

Much love,

Lori Dunham said...

Cindy, what an awesome testament to Dallas and to God's working in your family, and through your husband. Thanks for sharing it. What a blessing it is to have godly men committed to us through good and bad!!!! Your entry was very uplifting.
We love you guys,
Lori (for Darin too)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. Not only is it beautiful to read you praise your husband for being who God made him and who he is in your life...but it's beautiful to read the love and pride in your words. The slide show was beautiful as well. So much living in 6 years...Happy Anniversary. -Sandra

Gaye said...

My Cindy...what a beautiful testimony. As your "other" Mom, I have watched you grow and mature for many years and I must say I am proud of the Godly woman you have become. You always had a radiance about you and a love for our Saviour. It is heartwarming to see you "experience" God. I love you...Gaye