Saturday, May 24, 2008


Wow, I am a slacker!! It has been two weeks and I have not kept up with my blog. I apologize to those of you that check the blog frequently for updates on our family and haven't had anything to read! I will get better.

The last two weeks have kinda been crazy. Little Miss Presley was having a hard time gaining weight and so I was put on strict instruction to feed, feed, feed. When you are the only source of food it really consumes that day!! However, it was great bonding time!! We couldn't really figure out why Presley wasn't gaining because she is a great breastfeeding baby. Then, we realized it was because we were making her wait 2-3 hours to eat even if she was fussy because that is what we thought we were suppose to do. Presley had another schedule she wanted to follow-every hour and fifteen to hour and thirty minutes. Once we started focusing on Presley and what she was telling us we fattened her up fast!!! She gained 10oz in 9 days!! Wahoo!

Presley gets lots of attention everywhere we go, and no, not because of her Mohawk hairdo. Which, by the way, she has yet to loose any hair and is growing more!! Presley is ever so alert ALL DAY! So much so that when we went to her doctor, my ob and the lactation specialist they ALL couldn't stop talking about it. They all commented on how smart she already is and how they have never seen a baby so young so alert! It makes me feel good, so if they are just saying it to make us feel good it works!!

She does fuss a little more now than the first few weeks she was with us. She really has a sensitive tummy. She also LOVES to move which makes production time scarce for mommy. When she is awake she wants to move and when she is sleeping she wants to move-only during the daytime naps! Of course we got the usual "Don't do that you'll get them used to that" speech, but the reality is that is just who Presley is. She is a mover and a shaker! I think it also may make her little tummy feel better.

Dallas and I are doing great! We really are having a great time getting to know Presley-fussy or quiet!!! She is really a sweet baby. I used to say all the time that my little one was going to be a hellion because my sister's little girl is so sweet with such a great demeanor. And, although Presley is a little more challenging with the tummy issues, she is no hellion! And, I am learning one of the greatest things about motherhood-even if she was a hellion she would be MY hellion!

I only have one other thing and then I will end this hideously long blog. I used to think that God was a generous, loving God before I had Presley. I had no idea how generous. I look at her every day and think, "God, I don't know what you were thinking when you let me take care of something so wonderful and precious to you, but thank you!" He doesn't have to bless our lives in such a rich way but he does EVERYDAY!! I only hope that I can be a blessing for Presley because God has blessed me in such a big way!!!

Oh-by the way. I have a couple of pictures of the newly plumped up Presley-a big 7lbs 8oz!! I will try and post them tomorrow after church!!


The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

Yea for all of you! I'm glad God is blessing you and I assure you, you are blessing her. We love you and can't wait to see you!

Crystal said...

That is one of the hardest things about breastfeeding, trying to figure out their schedule! Hang in there! Be prepared for her growth spurts and don't give up! What a blessing they are at every age. Love you guys!!

The CT Stringham Family said...

Oh my gosh, Presley is growing like a weed! She is so CUTE! I love hearing about your adventure as a mother. My kids were all day eaters too. Remember to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK! and then get yourself a drink! I was always excited from a baby fat getting sucked off me and onto that baby point of view. And I learned to do a lot one handed. Good luck and God bless!