Thursday, May 29, 2008

We sleep..alone!!

I can't believe it! Yesterday I was able to get Presley to sleep ALONE in the pack-n-play!! Ok, for those of you who don't know, this was a huge struggle. Not only did Presley want to be moving when she slept, she also tended to want to be right next to me or Dallas while she slept if she wasn't moving. I can't tell you how many times that girl was DEAD asleep and as soon as we'd lay her down she would wake up!!! Coudn't believe it. Well, yesterday I put her in her pack-n-play for her long nap and she slept there all night until her 5am feeding. (no she didn't sleep all night. I was just able to put her back in the pack-n-play) Go ME! I felt like it was a HUGE milestone for our family.

Presley is also into her hair!! Not in a good way either! As you can see in the pictures my daughter is NOT lacking in locks. Her new favorite thing to do is grab a huge chunk of it. Only one problem, she has not learned the art of letting go!! So, mom is interrupted with a supersonic scream that sends mom flying into the room only to find her daughter is attacking herself. I have to admit, it cracks me up!! Please don't tell her I laughed at her later in her life!! It can be our little secret!

Our weekend is going to be very full. My big brother, Brent, and his family, Crystal and Dylan are coming into town. Dusty lives in Jacksonville, Fl so he plans on spending the weekend with us too!! We were all excited about spending the weekend with my brothers and then my Dad called with a surprise. He is flying Kaci and Katelynn down here to spend the weekend as well!! Can you believe it? I can't! Pinch me now! It is going to be so great to have all my siblings in the same place at once. I have always appreciated that my parents alwasys make sure we have some sibling time. They love being with all of us, don't get me wrong, but they also understand that we need time to just the kids!! And, anyways, gestures like this make us always want them around anyhow!! It should be a great time! Can't wait to tell you how it went.


Unknown said...

How great that you got Presley to sleep in her packn-play. That was always hard for Bella and now if she is sick she still wants us. Actually it is our sign that she is getting sick when she want let us lay her down. Anyway I know that you feel like you can take on anything now!!! YAY!!! I'm so glad you get to see your siblings. I love how close you guys are and I think it is AWESOME that you get to spend time together. Have a blast!!!

Anonymous said...

What an accomplishment! I completely understand what you are saying. I laughed outloud while reading, because the memories of Madison as a baby. Must be a girl thing.

life in a positive direction said...

That is the funniest thing I think I have ever heard of!!! Bless her little heart! Hopefully she'll make the realization that she is the one pulling her hair soon!!!

Yeah-for you, Dusty, and Kaci!!! I know y'all are going to have so much fun together!!!

Congrats on making the switch with Presley! Way to go!!!

love ya,

Sarah said...

Please get video of her pulling her hair and screaming! How great!!

Congrats on the sleeping! That is a HUGE accomplishment. I'm so proud!!

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

Yea for the sleeping alone some! That's great for all of you.

That's hilarious about her hair, and I agree with Sarah - video of that would be so funny!

And WOOHOO about sibling time - and all of you - how cool is that?!! I completely understand the kids-only time, which is why we always try to find a little of that when we're together.

Hopefully we can work out a time for Keith and I to come see ya'll there.

Hope you're having a blast this weekend. Talk to you later.