Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friendly Business...

Please check the side of my blog for a new addition called "Friendly Business"! I have some friends who have just started personal businesses and I want to do my part in helping them get word of their business out. If you check out their sites and can use their business please do so and send any friends to their sites who can use their expertise! I am all about word of mouth and hope that by having them on the site I will be able to help them in their goals to success. Now, if only I could find a job where I get paid to encourage the socks off people I would be doing alright!!! These businesses are full of integrity and are owned by women who amaze me on a daily basis! Good luck ladies!! Oh, and if you are reading this and want me to add your businesses site to the blog let me know!!

1 comment:

Lanette said...

well heck, you may as well include :-)

Checked out Erin's blogs... I can't believe we are all mothers now, can you?!?!?! :-)

I am slowly putting together a package for Presley (we're still unpacking and getting settled) so at some point you'll get it!