Friday, July 3, 2009


I hope everyone who reads my blog has a great 4th of July weekend. dallas and I are entertaining our military friends here in Gainesville this weekend. Gainesville is not having a fireworks show due to budget cuts. I just can't believe we won't be seeing fireworks this year. Maybe someone will bring some to the house when they come.

I want to take this special opportunity to thank my husband and my brother for their service in our military. I know this is said a lot, but we really have no full understanding of what these guys give up on a daily basis to be active duty military. I appreciate you both for giving up civilian comforts inorder to make civilians comfortable! I appreicate you for standing for freedom and giving us the ability to celebrate our own freedoms daily.

Please take today, especially, to thank those in your life who are currently serving in the armed forces. Remember today, also, those who have lost their lives-civilian and military-in the fight for our freedom. Today is a celebration of all that we are as Americans. Enjoy your celebrations whatever they may be because this country and what it stands for is worth celebrating!!


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