Friday, October 24, 2008

6 months...

Presley turned 6 months old yesterday!! Can you believe it? I can't. Man, time is a funny thing. She changed our lives and has made me a better person. Well, at least I think so. I hated waking up in the morning and now, well I still hate waking up, but as soon as I see Presley it makes facing the day that much more pleasant. 6 months is such a yummy age. I think I want to trap her here forever. She totally engages in everything we do. She even tries to make us laugh instead of just laughing when we joke with her. She is so big and grown. Oh, and I thought she was cute before. NOPE! She is gorgeous now. I just love her!

What is "Little P" (coined by Dallas' sister) doing now?
She has been sitting unassisted for a month
She is eating solid foods
She tries to feed herself with her spoon
She talks to her animals as she tries to squeeze the stuffing out of them
She cackles when you tickle her
She lights up when someone that she knows walks in the room
She recognizes people she knows even if she hasn't seen them in a day or two
She sleeps 9hrs at night
She is already trying to crawl!!

I am not sure I can even stomach looking back to what life was without Presley. She was well worth the wait!!


Crystal said...

Can't believe it!!! Oh the fun of a daughter!! She is so cute and I know that you are enjoying every second with her. Time does fly and it will get faster the next couple of months. When she starts to move around, you won't remember that she sat still. Treasure those still moments!! :)

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

Aaww!! I feel like I comment that all the time, but that's what I'm always saying. She's so adorable and sweet and precious and I can't wait to see ya'll again!

Sarah said...

That's awesome! Loved the video. What a big girl! Enjoy her sitting still a little longer... once she really gets going with the crawling, you can't leave her alone for a second!

Unknown said...

Cindy, I can't believe she is already six months old. She is so beautiful and so cute. I would totally count that as crawling. Give her six kisses from me.

thecreasycrew said...

She is so beautiful! Trust me when i say this, as soon as she starts crawling you will wish you wouldn't have encouraged it so much! She will be into everything! Enjoy her!!