Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Weekend..

Ok, so it wasn't the actual Halloween weekend, but we had a lot of Halloween activities to do. First, Dusty was in town for the Arkansas/Ole Miss game. How did it go? WEll, I am not blogging about it if that tells you anything. Anyways, while he was here we decided to carve our pumpkin. It is so great having a kid. I do things now I have never done before. I had never carved a pumpkin til this weekend. Ok, so Dallas did the carving, but you get my drift. I did roast the pumpkin seeds afterwards. Wow, that is good. Presley loved the pumpkin carving. She liked the slimy insides. We had Dusty draw the face of the pumpkin because he is the family artist. Look at what he made for Dallas over the weekend. He drew it by hand with charcoal.

Presley had such a great time she fell asleep while we were putting the finishing touches on the pumpkin. So, after she woke up from her nap we got some pictures of her with her first carved jack-o-lantern!!

That night some friends of ours invited us to their church's Trunk or Treat. What a cool thing that was. Each car's trunk was tricked out with a theme and the famiy dressed according to that theme. There was a Flinstone car, an Indiana Jones car, a High School Musical car, etc. It was incredible. Although Presley slept for the majority of it when she woke up she was the "social butterfly" of the night! She looked so cute. OH, and this was the first time we put her in shoes. We haven't wanted to put shoes on her much and still don't want to for a while, but it was chilly and we needed something black on her feet. I made a little slide show for ya. If you want to see all the pictures click here.
Sorry for all the slide shows on my blog. I am a little obsessed. They make me happy!!!

1 comment:

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

Oh how cute! Love the slide shows! Presley looked adorable in her costume! And she really did seem to enjoy the carving.

Good job to Dusty on the drawing! Wow! I'm impressed!