Saturday, January 24, 2009

9 months old

Hi all!! Well, I am 9 months old now! Can you believe it? I can. My mommy can't believe it. She doesn't know where the time went and what happened to her little baby. She asks me all the time, "Are you really going to be a year old in 3 months?" I simply respond by giving her a reassuring smile that, YES, I will be 1 in 3 months. I'm pretty sure all the lack of sleep is getting to her head. I mean how can she forget all those diapers, the feedings, the many cries I have had and all the giggles I have giggled over the past 9 months. Yep, she's loosing it. So, out of respect of my mommy and her slipping mind, I thought I would do the blog this time.

I had a pretty crazy 8th month. I went on a 3 week trip to see my Mae and Popa in Washington DC, played with a 2yr old for 24hrs a day for three weeks (my cousin Katelyinn), got my first tooth, had my first cold and ear infection. Yikes. Opps...this isn't about my 8th month. Sorry. I am just learning. Ok, ok. Here is what I am up to now:
I can-
-crawl with the speed of light

-furniture surf (this is my favorite because it keeps mommy on her toes)

-take steps between the coffee table and chair

-have only one scraggly tooth on the bottom (this is silly looking)

-feed myself with my fingers

-give myself medicine(ok, so mommy puts it in the syringe and then I take it)

-stand up from a sitting position

-bend my legs, just like a squat, and slowly sit from standing

-stand for long periods of time without holding on to things, but then when I realize I am doing this I sit down quickly

-pull up on everything

-when playing peek-a-boo my mommy says, "Where's Presley?" I respond by going, "AHH!"

-swim in the tub (ok,I like to call it swimming but it really is sliding on my belly. Hey, I am trying to build my confidence for the summer. I am a Florida baby, ya know?!!)

-make sounds for my puppies names, Ben and Abby

-Oh, and apparently I can write. Don't know when that happened!

-However I would say that my BEST trick right now is running. Yep, you heard me. I can run. I can't walk but I can run. Well, actually, it feels more like flying. Check it out!

Thanks for checking in with me this month. I have to go. Mommy says its time for my nap. I have to do something to stay this cute!!


Crystal said...

Oh my!! I can't believe she is that old already!!! She is adorable. I see her hair is growing a laying down better now! :)

The Westbrook's Waltzes said...

Wow! Where has the time gone? She is so cute. And I noticed the hair laying down too. What a big girl she's becoming.

Sarah said...

Loved the video! Precious!

Unknown said...

Oh she is getting so big!!! She is so beautiful!! Give her kisses from us we miss her and you guys so much.