Monday, January 5, 2009

First Illness..

Well, we made it home Saturday night from my parents'! It was so wonderful to see them and to spend that much time with my family. My favorite thing was simply hanging out at the house visiting and watching the girls play. I only wish we could all be closer.

The visit, however, did not end quietly. Presley was sick most of the time we were at my parents and cut two teeth. I know, superwoman. Ok, I do realize most children do that. When it is your own ordinary NEVER seems ordinary. Anyways, she progressivly got worse as we headed home. This morning I took her in to see her doctor and she has a double ear infection! YIKES!! Poor baby. However, as I blog she has been sleeping soundly for 3 hours. This is a miracle in itself seeing as she hasn't had a good night sleep in 5 days.

I have to say I have been waiting on her to get sick. I am just glad it waited til she was 8 1/2 months old. Oh, and for those of you who I told she weighs just shy of 17lbs. Ha, try 15lbs 12oz. Ya, that's my porker! I guess she comes by the nickname "Little P" honestly! Well, I must go and get some sleep incase my tiny angel wakes me tonight.


life in a positive direction said...

Bless her little heart....and yours too. I know it probably hurts you more than it hurts 'little p'. I love you!!! Can I have your number again? I got a new phone-love you.

Crystal said...

Poor thing! I hope she feels better soon. The rest is the best thing for her!